Sunday, December 28, 2014
Pinterest Project Sunday: Food Edition
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Keep 'Em Busy
I simply love having my boys home from school. Sometimes they make it challenging (and that's when everyone gets a nap!), but overall, I love the time of year when they get a long vacation.
I mentioned in the previous post that I cancelled cable right before the start of their Thanksgiving break. It may not sound like the brightest move, but so far, so good. We barely miss it!
I have compiled a list of things that may keep them occupied for a couple of hours a day during their long break, therefore saving mommy's sanity
Here are some of the things I came up with:
■ Sort toys and clothes for donating
■ Make jewelry/key chains
■ Hot chocolate and a movie
■ Pretend grocery store (it's a new thing around here, don't ask me why)
■ Pompom fight (I made some pompoms from some stray yarn. They make awesome ammunition)
■ Boredom Box (I'll post more about that one soon, it's a box with some little bits and things that they normally don't play with, they get it out when they are bored)
There's also my trusty Pinterest boards that I can call upon in their time of boredom, if I need more inspiration. Or, there's always Grandma!
I have high hopes for this next couple of weeks!
See ya!
Saturday, November 22, 2014
What! Have! I! Done?!
Here's a random photo of our Autumn fireplace. It will be changed to a Christmas fireplace soon! |
Monday, October 13, 2014
Are You Ready...
I kind of fell off the face of the Earth for a couple of days. I have lost steam, don't have the desire to do much of anything lately, so I've used that time to think of some different things that I can post. You know, keep stuff fresh, don't just phone it in. One thing that has come to mind, though, that I want to touch on.
- Weather radio! I have two, one that is a plug in that I rely on heavily, although I hate the sound that it emits! Ugh! It's almost as annoying to me as an alarm clock! It makes this really loud doobeedoobeedoobee sound. It's worth it, though. It's not something I can sleep through! I also have one on my phone. It alerts me to any of the places that I have programmed in, but I can sleep through that one. That's mainly for the daytime hours, when my phone is in my back pocket.
- A safe place! I'm sure you've heard that the best place is on the lower level, away from windows. We have a closet. It's a small closet (we had a huge closet before we moved, it was almost like another room!), so it will be tight, trying to fit two adults, two kids, and two dogs (yes, we take the dogs, too. they are our family, and I won't go anywhere without them!), but we'll make it work.
- Helmets! It's something that I've heard from meteorologists more in the past couple of years. Protect your noggin.
- Go bags! A disaster of any kind (fire, tornado, flood) is traumatic for any family, but I have a special worry for the children involved. I have a bag that has a first aid kit as well as information such as insurance policies. I also have another radio that runs on solar power, and I keep some little trinkets that are special. My boys pack a go bag with some little things that they hold dear, also. I try to impress upon them that it's not material possessions that matter, that it's family and people that matter more, but in a disaster I want my kids to be comforted, and if that means a toy or book or blanket has to come with them, then I have no issue with it. *Note: Animals need to be prepared, as well! Make sure that your dogs/cats have a collar and leash, or are crated.
P.S. I have a Pinterest board for storm preparedness, if you'd like to take a look. Check it out here.
Friday, October 10, 2014
Being Deliberate
I have taken the Write 31 Days project very seriously. At least, I've taken it as a responsibility to write.
I haven't been too deliberate in my writings, though. I've just been writing what comes to mind when I realize that I haven't written and I need to get something out there.
I am just phoning it in now, and we're only 10 days in!
I feel like that with my life, as well. I was very disappointed about losing out on the house in Florida, and I've just let things go.
No longer! I'm getting back into working out and running, I'm going to get everything back to the way it was before the move. I hate sitting idle, and that's how I've felt for the past two months.
Time to change that. :)
See ya!
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Super Sleepy Blanket
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
I don't have a very elaborate post because I have decided to try my hand at a ready to ship sale, so I've spent most of the day stocking for it!
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Hmmm. Halloween.
Photo by Amanda Ropp Border courtesy of pixlr-o-mantic |
Monday, October 6, 2014
Organization Woes
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Making A House A Home
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Technical Difficulties Are driving Me Insane
So, I had this post all written up, and now I can't even get the photo uploaded, much less get a link on it. It has driven me insane for an hour, and now the battery is running down!
Well, phone, you have thwarted my plans this evening by not working the way I need. I may be down, but I'm not out...
I think I may spend this time jotting a list of possible posts for my 31 Days series.
You can't keep me down, phone! I'll come back!
See ya bright and early tomorrow!
Friday, October 3, 2014
Rainy Day Bliss
Today has been a gloomy, rainy day, and all I've wanted is to curl up in my fluffy chair with a warm blanket and a ball of yarn, and maybe some Dr. Who. I haven't been able to do that, but it's been on my mind!
I'm pretty excited for the change in temperature that the rain will bring. I want to be able to wear my. Boots and sweaters! I hate to be cold, but I love to use my handmade scarves and blankets and boot cuffs!
So, let me ask you, what's your favorite rainy day activity or your favorite thing about the colder weather?
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Hello, again!
31 Days Of...
I find that I am most happy when I am busy, when I am learning or working toward a goal, and I'm challenged. That is where 31 Days comes in.
I'll have clickable links to each day below, so they are easy to find!
Thursday, September 25, 2014
I Left My Pillows in St. Augustine
The Most Fragrant Flower
A Little Bit More...
Thursday, September 18, 2014
The Origin of 'Little Beach Bird'
Have you ever looked at a name on Instagram or Twitter (or any of those other social networking type sites about which I am completely clueless), and wondered about the story behind the name? Some can be easy to figure out. Others need some explaining.
I realized that my name may be a little confusing, seeing as I live nowhere near the beach (a lot of people don't know where I live, so this is probably just a lot of chatter). I am completely landlocked (and hate it)! The closest thing to a body of water I get to see is the bathtub.
So, just in case you were wondering, here's the not-so-story about my name.
It's my home, the beach. I wasn't born near the ocean, nor have I ever lived in a seaside town, but I feel the pull of the tide, I hear the gulls calling me.
One day my husband and I were driving through our very landlocked town, and I saw a bird on a lawn. I made the comment about the little bird not belonging in this area, that it was a little beach bird. That's it. It seemed to fit. It had a ring to it that was just right.
It doesn't sound like a reason to write up a blog post, especially since there isn't really a huge, long story behind it, but...
That's why I am Little Beach Bird.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
A Little Bit...
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Find A Little Peace
I can remember the first camera that I ever owned. My Oma gave it to me for a field trip. It was pink. I wish I could say that I still have it. It would contrast with the other cameras of my collection, but it would hold the place of honor amongst them.
That was just the beginning of my obsession. I have found my happy place in photography. Behind the camera I find peace. I can lose myself in the sunset, leaves, grass, rain, ocean, whatever you can imagine. I don't think about the stresses of moving, of trying to have a real estate career. I don't worry about anything, I focus on the beauty that God has created.
With the move coming up, trying to sell a house as well as buy a house at the same time, I have become so stressed that I can barely stand to be in my own skin. I want to scream! I want to run (no, literally, I want to run. I want to lace up my running shoes and hit the road for an hour), but I can't because I have so much going on that I haven't been able to practice yoga or go no a run in over a month!
Photography, though, I can do any time. I don't have to worry about getting sweaty before going somewhere, I don't have to have anything except my phone (yes, I'm a phone photographer). I can snap a photo of the sunset off of my back deck, or I can click out a couple of the roses that grow in front of the house.
I believe that God knew that I would be high-strung, in need of relaxation, and that's why I was introduced to photography. It is where I can forget the rest of the world and focus on the beauty that He has created. I can find peace, I can have a moment where I don't worry.
Where do you find peace? Where have you been led where you can rest in God?
See ya!
Friday, August 1, 2014
The School Bell's A-Ringin'
Graphics courtesy of A Beautiful Mess Photo App |
Call me weird, but I love the first day of school. I'm not saying this as a mom who has kids in school and can take time off for myself when they start back (does any mom actually do that?). I have always loved the first day of school. I enjoy organizing and "setting up".
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Life In Real Time
If you follow me on IG, then you know that God is really blessing my family, and answering long awaited prayers. We are moving. Yay!!
Thursday, July 10, 2014
The Cold Hard Truth
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Last minute Teacher Appreciation Gifts
Tuesday: Unlimited Hugs and Smiles
Wednesday: Something to Pop (popcorn or Blow Pops)
Thursday: Something to Eat (fruit, treats, etc)
Friday: Something to read (card or letter from student).
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Wow! What a Week!!!
I like to have something to do, something to work toward. Well, every time I start something big like these projects I get slammed with stuff to do that takes my attention from them!
This week it's been real estate. Business is picking up! I'm super excited about it. This is what I've been praying for, what I wanted!
Please just bear with me while I try to figure out the delicate balance between family life and business life. This week I have been swamped and I'm running on empty. I really, really want to do a Pinterest Project Sunday, or just to catch up on my challenges, but I don't know if that's going to happen.
Let me just say, God is definitely answering my prayers. He is hearing my cries (sometimes literally), and he is providing. I am so thankful to have the ability to work toward our goals, and to be able to be there for my family whenever they need me, while working toward those goals.
I just hope that you will stay with me along the way. Hopefully I can get back on track this week. I love posting and I love you guys! Thank you for reading my little blog!
{Follow me on IG (if you don't already), and I'll let you know when another post is up!}
See ya!
~Amanda ~
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Pinterest Project Sunday - Canceled This Week
random picture of my granny square blanket |
I'm sorry to say that Pinterest Project Sunday had to be canceled for this week. I feel horribly guilty about it. I truly enjoy doing these little crafts each week, and I don't want to make this a habit.
I'm still trying to get back into a routine. My routine was messed up when the boys got out of school for Winter break. I mean, it's March, for goodness sake. I shouldn't have such a hard time getting back to normal!
Not to mention sickness! Oh my goodness, there's not been a week in February that we've all been well at the same time!
I'm definitely not complaining. I'm happy to have been busy. I'm glad that my little ones are finally feeling better. I'm also ecstatic that we had a beautiful day today. Hopefully we won't get any more really cold weather, and we can get outside more and we can all stay well!
Well, I'm going to collapse now, I'm exhausted.
Come back next week, I'll have a new project for ya!
See ya
~Amanda ~
Monday, February 24, 2014
Pinterest Project Sunday - Sharpie Mugs
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Pinterest Project Sunday - Braided Fabric Bracelets
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Pinterest Project Sunday - Painted Bottles
This one was super easy (again), and I had all the items at home already. Bonus!
I found a tutorial for it here. It's not in English, but I think there is a translate button (I found it once, but then when I went back to the website it wasn't there. Probably something I did.)
Even if you can't get it to translate, there is a picture tutorial that is very easy to understand.
Here is my finished product:
Friday, February 7, 2014
365 Blanket Check-In
Hello, all. I know I promised an update on the 365 Blanket on Wednesday, but a sick child kind of put that to a halt. Today is the first day that I've been able to get pictures of it.
I haven't put it together yet, though. I'm so bad about that. I think joining us the worst part of crocheting.
I still love the idea of making one square every day. I'm especially happy that this week be such a big blanket. I'll be able to double it up and use it to sleep, and I won't even have to share with the hubby, he can have our other blanket.
Granted, I have to wait an entire year before I can use it, but what can ya do?
Well, I'm exhausted, so I'm off to bed for some much needed sleep. I'll see you guys on Sunday for "Pinterest Project Sunday"!
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Pinterest Project Sunday - DIY Lip Scrub
I slapped this stuff on my lips, followed the directions on the website, and LOVED it!! My lips were so smooth! They were so smooth that I decided to try it on my hands, too. My hands hurt, they get so chapped. I work with paper a lot, and I wash dishes and my hands constantly, so I desperately needed something to help.
The result: Smooth hands and lips! I think this is something that can be done every night when I shower, then add lotion and Chapstick to keep the moisture. Oooh, maybe try it on my feet for the summer! Yeah!
Well, I am going to explore some other pins to try out for next week, so I'll see you guys later! I hope you enjoyed this post. I know it wasn't a huge project (some of them won't be, being a working mom can really leave little time for crafts), but I'll try to get some done that are more in-depth.
Check back with me on Wednesday, I'll have a post on the 365 TCL Crochet-A-Long Blanket!
See ya!
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Pinterest Strikes Again
I was thinking today. I have well over 3,000 pins. What do I do with these pins? I hoard them. I put them on their little board and just let them sit. I don't really do anything with them.
I'm thinking of doing a weekly project pulled from Pinterest. Not really a new idea, I know. There are tons of blogs that are solely for this purpose. I am not trying to rip them off, though. It's just a way for me to actually put some of the pins to use, to not feel like I'm completely wasting my time being on Pinterest (let's face it, that's exactly what I'm doing, but I can at least make myself feel a little better about it, right?).
So, what I'm going to do is this. I am going to peruse my pins and find one project each week. I will post the details and results of the project on Sundays. Sound like a plan? Great.
Now, I'm off to scour Pinterest for a project. Wish me luck! I'll see you on February 2nd with my first Pinterest Project!
Saturday, January 25, 2014
For a long time I have not been satisfied with my blog name, my IG name, or my Twitter name. I don't care that people know who I am when I use my real name, it's just that I like the idea of a cute little username.
Well driving down the road today, I saw a little bird standing in a front yard. The little guy looked so very out of place. He (or she, to be fair) looked more like one of the little birds you see running along the shoreline in the sunshine.
I made a comment about the fella looking like a "little beach bird", and that was it. I was in love. I did not grow up in a beach town, quite the opposite. I'm very land-locked, living outside of Atlanta, Georgia. I do love the beach, however. I feel at home at the beach and in the little beach communities.
The name seemed fitting. I'm not sure if any readers will have a difficult time finding my blog, I hope not, but I'll try to do something about that.
I didn't change the name of my little shop, though. That name was perfect, itself, so I didn't want to mess with that. Here's the story (however short) behind Heart Shaped Cloud.
Friday, January 24, 2014
I am so tired of the cold weather (I'm sure I'm not alone in that feeling, either). I am constantly freezing, drinking hot drinks, not wanting to set foot outside. I'm ready for some spring.
One would think that if I'm that cold that I would want to make MORE hats and scarves and blankets, right? Wrong. Well, the blankets, I'll make those all the time. I'm having a grand time with those. The hats and scarves, though, I am ready to put away for a couple of seasons.
I know it's early in the year to be thinking of warm weather, sundresses, shorts (maybe not for me, I don't often wear shorts), short sleeve shirts, and my favorite:
The bottom line? I can't wait for the warm weather, so I am going to "will" it to get here. I am going to start on a Spring line. Maybe some light weight scarves, for Easter, maybe. Or some cute summer-y hats. I like the hats and scarves, so I'm going to keep going with those. I may add a couple of other little odds and ends in there, but I think that I'm pretty happy with what I have going.
So, to bring this long story to a close, I am having a sale on all the items in my shop. Beginning today and running through January 31, enter BYEBYEWINTER at checkout to receive 20% off of your order.
There's a little "Visit My Shop" button over to the right, under my big, goofy picture. Just click that little button and it should take you right to the shop. Thank you, in advance, for your order! I absolutely love making things for you guys! You are the greatest!