Sunday, January 26, 2014

Pinterest Strikes Again

I, like so many others, love Pinterest.  Some days I will sit for hours and just look at pins.  Those are the days that I just don't feel like doing much.

I was thinking today.  I have well over 3,000 pins.  What do I do with these pins?  I hoard them.  I put them on their little board and just let them sit.  I don't really do anything with them.

I'm thinking of doing a weekly project pulled from Pinterest.  Not really a new idea, I know.  There are tons of blogs that are solely for this purpose.  I am not trying to rip them off, though.  It's just a way for me to actually put some of the pins to use, to not feel like I'm completely wasting my time being on Pinterest (let's face it, that's exactly what I'm doing, but I can at least make myself feel a little better about it, right?).

So, what I'm going to do is this.  I am going to peruse my pins and find one project each week.  I will post the details and results of the project on Sundays.  Sound like a plan?  Great.

Now, I'm off to scour Pinterest for a project.  Wish me luck!  I'll see you on February 2nd with my first Pinterest Project!


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