Sunday, December 28, 2014

Pinterest Project Sunday: Food Edition

I don't consider myself a foodie.  I have a love for food, but I can't cook.  I'm not really asked to provide anything for family functions (if you saw the rolls, you would understand).  I can't for the life of me figure out how to cook properly on a gas stove.  I'm even having a problem with the microwave.

That being said, do you want my advice on cooking?

If I can't mess it up, it's a keeper in the way of recipes.  The recipe that I decided to highlight on my first Pinterest Project Sunday in months is a crustless mini quiche.

There are a ton of recipes on Pinterest, but I used this one

These were super simple, and it made plenty to keep for another meal or protein filled snack.  I'm not sure about how healthy mine were with the copious amounts of bacon and cheese, but they were delicious.

If you want a crust, all you have to do is add some biscuit dough to the bottom of the muffin pan. 

I'm loving this recipe!  It was a success under the pressure of a deplorable chef, it made enough extras, and Oldest loved them! 


I hope you give them a try.  Delicious!

See ya!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Keep 'Em Busy

I simply love having my boys home from school.  Sometimes they make it challenging (and that's when everyone gets a nap!), but overall, I love the time of year when they get a long vacation.

I mentioned in the previous post that I cancelled cable right before the start of their Thanksgiving break.  It may not sound like the brightest move,  but so far, so good.  We barely miss it!

I have compiled a list of things that may keep them occupied for a couple of hours a day during their long break, therefore saving mommy's sanity

Here are some of the things I came up with:

■  Sort toys and clothes for donating
■  Make jewelry/key chains
■  Hot chocolate and a movie
■  Pretend grocery store (it's a new thing around here, don't ask me why)
■  Pompom fight (I made some pompoms from some stray yarn.  They make awesome ammunition)
■  Boredom Box (I'll post more about that one soon, it's a box with some little bits and things that they normally don't play with, they get it out when they are bored)

There's also my trusty Pinterest boards that I can call upon in their time of boredom, if I need more inspiration.  Or, there's always Grandma!

I have high hopes for this next couple of weeks!

See ya!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

What! Have! I! Done?!

Here's a random photo of our
Autumn fireplace.  It will be changed
to a Christmas fireplace soon!

So, I am officially a genious (please read that statement with a hint of sarcasm).  I cancelled cable.  Honestly, we don't need it, we don't watch it.  We figured we could save a little money, so I called and had it cancelled... Right before the long Thanksgiving holiday!

I'm trying to convince the boys that this is a great plan.  They aren't extremely happy with it, but already I've heard them playing with their toys, building things with their legos, and generally being kids.  That is a welcome change from sitting slack-jawed in front of the television watching ridiculous shows!  I want them to use their imagination and play!

I have a plan to keep them (and myself) busy this next week, so I'll put together a post on some of the activities that I've come up with.  Let's hope they are a hit!

So, grab a bag of popcorn, sit back, and watch this mom lose her mind this week!

See ya!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Are You Ready...

I kind of fell off the face of the Earth for a couple of days.  I have lost steam, don't have the desire to do much of anything lately, so I've used that time to think of some different things that I can post.  You know, keep stuff fresh, don't just phone it in.  One thing that has come to mind, though, that I want to touch on. 

I am a serious weather freak.  I love any type of weather, but a good thunderstorm will bring a smile on my face that will rival that of the Cheshire Cat.  I have always wanted to chase tornados!

I'm also a planner, though.  Since my boys were born I have taken the weather a lot more seriously.  I am not a pro, by any means, and I have had some people make fun of me, but I have tough my kids the importance of being prepared for severe weather.

Some of the things I've learned are:

  • Weather radio!  I have two, one that is a plug in that I rely on heavily, although I hate the sound that it emits!  Ugh!  It's almost as annoying to me as an alarm clock!  It makes this really loud doobeedoobeedoobee sound.  It's worth it, though.  It's not something I can sleep through!  I also have one on my phone.  It alerts me to any of the places that I have programmed in, but I can sleep through that one.  That's mainly for the daytime hours, when my phone is in my back pocket.

  • A safe place!  I'm sure you've heard that the best place is on the lower level, away from windows.  We have a closet.  It's a small closet (we had a huge closet before we moved, it was almost like another room!), so it will be tight, trying to fit two adults, two kids, and two dogs (yes, we take the dogs, too.  they are our family, and I won't go anywhere without them!), but we'll make it work.

  • Helmets!  It's something that I've heard from meteorologists more in the past couple of years.  Protect your noggin.
  • Go bags!  A disaster of any kind (fire, tornado, flood) is traumatic for any family, but I have a special worry for the children involved.  I have a bag that has a first aid kit as well as information such as insurance policies.  I also have another radio that runs on solar power, and I keep some little trinkets that are special.  My boys pack a go bag with some little things that they hold dear, also.  I try to impress upon them that it's not material possessions that matter, that it's family and people that matter more, but in a disaster I want my kids to be comforted, and if that means a toy or book or blanket has to come with them, then I have no issue with it.  *Note:  Animals need to be prepared, as well!  Make sure that your dogs/cats have a collar and leash, or are crated.  

That's all I can think of right now.  These ideas are just for a short amount of time, they are by no means for survival for more than a few hours.  That is something that I like to dabble in, but I have no advice on that.  

What do you do when there is a storm?

I get to practice again tonight, as the meteoroglogists are foretelling of high winds and possible tornados.  Gotta go prepare!

See ya!

P.S.  I have a Pinterest board for storm preparedness, if you'd like to take a look.  Check it out here.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Being Deliberate

I have taken the Write 31 Days project very seriously.  At least, I've taken it as a responsibility to write.

I haven't been too deliberate in my writings, though.  I've just been writing what comes to mind when I realize that I haven't written and I need to get something out there.

I am just phoning it in now, and we're only 10 days in! 

I feel like that with my life, as well.  I was very disappointed about losing out on the house in Florida,  and I've just let things go.

No longer!  I'm getting back into working out and running, I'm going to get everything back to the way it was before the move.  I hate sitting idle, and that's how I've felt for the past two months.

Time to change that.  :)

See ya!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Super Sleepy Blanket

I waited til the very last minute to blog today because I really just had no idea what I wanted to say.
Now I'm super sleepy, so I'm just going to show off the granny square blanket I'm making.  It's made from scraps from other projects, so it won't have a certain color scheme, it'll just be what I can get my hands on.

Well, that's all for now.  I'm going to make 5 more circles and add a couple more rounds on my Super Sleepy Blanket.  That's it's name now.  I have to name my blankets.  I even have one called a Sherlock blanket (it's another stash buster blanket that was made while watching Sherlock).

After my circles and rounds it's off to bed for me.

See ya!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


I don't have a very elaborate post because I have decided to try my hand at a ready to ship sale, so I've spent most of the day stocking for it!

I worked for a little bit this morning, then turned on Sherlock and got my crochet on for the rest of the day.

I would love for you to stop by my IG feed (@_heartshapedcloud) and check out the sale on Friday, Oct. 10 at 8:30pm(Est.)!

I'm super nervous about it!  Wish me luck!

See ya,
~Amanda ~

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Hmmm. Halloween.

Photo by Amanda Ropp
Border courtesy of pixlr-o-mantic

Halloween is fast approaching, and I have no idea what my two young'uns want to be!  Under normal circumstances, we have already purchased costumes and are in the midst of a battle over whether or not they are allowed to wear them before trick or treating!

A lot of times they ask me to make them a costume, {bless them, they have so much confidence in my sewing and creative abilities}, but they always get excited to go to the store and pick out a costume, so I can get off the hook relatively easily.

I'm not a huge fan of Halloween, myself (I'm more into Thanksgiving), but I think it's about time to start thinking about pumpkin carving and what to wear.  The kiddos will be super excited to get pumpkins costumes.

I'd like to know, do you do anything big for Halloween?  Do you make costumes and carve pumpkins, or are you more like me, fine sitting in a dark house watching tv?

See ya,


Monday, October 6, 2014

Organization Woes

Busy, busy, busy.  That's how I roll.  I have a family, and a real estate business, and I sell some of my crafts in my spare time (as well as trying my hand at blogging).

All of the activities and menus and planning and idea and patterns all need to be kept in order, don't they?

I am so overly type-A that I have calendars, planners, and notebooks everywhere.  Oddly, I'm not very organized.  Perhaps I'm not type-A,  I'm more obsessive...

Either way, I need to find a way to make it all co-exist without confusion.  Tomorrow my goal is to organize.

I will get my home, work, and craft lives to exist in harmony.  Yep.  That's my goal.  That's the plan.

{I'm trying to convince myself, if you can't tell}

Updates to follow (we'll see if I can follow through)!

See ya!

~ Amanda ~

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Making A House A Home

Now that the dust has settled a little bit after selling our house (see I Left My Pillows In St. Augustine for that story), I have the herculean task of setting up our current house.
I decided to start by making the boys a reading corner.  It was easy enough.  I had all the items already, so it was free, and it didn't take long to get it put together.
The boys love it!  They beg to do their reading homework first, and for me to flop on the bean bag and read to them.
My goal has been to make the house as comfortable for the boys as possible, then make it comfortable for Hubby and myself.  This was a special treat for them, since we didn't have a space like this at the old house.
I'm still working on the rest of the house.  It's been slow going, but I'll post more if I set up something else that is as exciting as the reading corner.
See ya

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Technical Difficulties Are driving Me Insane

So, I had this post all written up, and now I can't even get the photo uploaded, much less get a link on it.  It has driven me insane for an hour, and now the battery is running down!

Well, phone, you have thwarted my plans this evening by not working the way I need.  I may be down, but I'm not out...

I think I may spend this time jotting a list of possible posts for my 31 Days series.

You can't keep me down, phone!  I'll come back!

See ya bright and early tomorrow!


Friday, October 3, 2014

Rainy Day Bliss

Today has been a gloomy, rainy day, and all I've wanted is to curl up in my fluffy chair with a warm blanket and a ball of yarn, and maybe some Dr. Who.  I haven't been able to do that, but it's been on my mind!

I'm pretty excited for the change in temperature that the rain will bring.  I want to be able to wear my. Boots and sweaters!  I hate to be cold, but I love to use my handmade scarves and blankets and boot cuffs!

So, let me ask you, what's your favorite rainy day activity or your favorite thing about the colder weather?


Thursday, October 2, 2014


Hello, again!

{Last night I made some pumpkin garland for the shop, and I was asked for the pattern.  I decided to try my hand at pattern writing, so, here goes!!!}. Oh, by the way, if you don't want to make these little guys for yourself, I can gladly work them up for you!  Just click the link to the store!

Why is it that every time I have an idea and I think "I can just whip that up really quickly", it takes forever to figure it out?  These little pumpkins gave me such a hard time, for such a little design.  I stared at the yarn for hours, trying to figure out how to make circles look like pumpkins.  

All it took was an IG post about my problems, and within ten minutes (I'm not even sure that's how long it took, that's how long I was away from my phone) I had a message with the answer!  My awesome buddy, Britney @craftierbyb (go check her out, she's so cool!) had the solution to all of my problems.  Well, the pumpkin problem, at least.

Here's the pattern, as requested.  Please keep in mind that I am not a professional pattern-writer girl, so there may be mistakes.  Please let me know if you come across anything that needs attention.  

12 DC in a magic ring close with a slip stitch
ch 2, 2 DC in each stitch close with a slip stitch
ch 1, 2 sc in first stitch; 
1 sc in second stitch; 
hdc, dc in third stitch, 
*2 dc in fourth stitch, 1 dc in fifth* repreat from * to the 10th stitch.
hdc in 10th stitch
sl st in 11th & 12th stitches
hdc in 13th stitch
*2dc in 14th stitch, 1 dc in 15th stitch* repeat * to the 20th
dc,hdc in the 20st stitch
sc in the 21st and 22nd stitches.  slip stitch closed
bind off

sc with new color into 15th, 16th, 17th stitches. 
ch 1, sc into each stitch of new color
bind off 

Oh, my goodness!  I am so sorry if this pattern is confusing!  I am so not a writer!  Please, please, please, let me know if you see anything that is confusing or needs my attention.  You can comment below, email me, or DM me on IG!

Well, I think this is day 2 of the 31 Day thingy in the books.  Cool.  Now to brainstorm what I want to write tomorrow!

See ya!


31 Days Of...

I find that I am most happy when I am busy, when I am learning or working toward a goal, and I'm challenged.  That is where 31 Days comes in.  

Let me tell you what's going on.  "31 Days" is going to challenge me and keep me busy.  

On a personal note, I have self esteem issues.  I want to blog, I want to get my thoughts out there, but I'm afraid that no one will read it.  I am going to use "31 Days" to boost my creativity, come out of my comfort zone, and blog EVERY DAY!  I will put my fears and doubts out of my head and I will put my thoughts and ideas on paper. 

That is my personal endeavor for "31 Days".  It may be about my crafts, my home, whatever, but it will be out there!  Every day!  

I'll have clickable links to each day below, so they are easy to find!

To get details about 31 Days, check it out here.

See ya tomorrow!


P.S.  Actually, since I started this a day late, I may even post later today to make up for it!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

I Left My Pillows in St. Augustine

For a while now I've been hinting {on IG} about some exciting changes and adventures in store for my little family.  Well, here's the {short} story.  *The complete story will be in my autobiography with the same name as this post*  ;)

We love the beach (who knew, right?).  It's our happy place, the place we feel most at home.  It only seemed logical that we buy a house near the beach.  

We listed our house for sale (we were the agents on that transaction), and sold it within just a few months.  I think it was almost 4 months.  Not too shabby, considering we had been under contract with it twice.  That's quite the story in itself! 

Now, while all this is going on with the house in Georgia, Hubby found the perfect property in our happy place.  We traveled so much, for signing contracts, inspections, etc!  Not that it broke my heart, I got to at least see the beach every time we went (even if I didn't get to swim).  

What broke my heart was getting the news that we couldn't get it.  We had become so attached to this house!  Well, we had one last piece of business down there, so we packed up the kids and drove on down. 

The past few months had been a whirlwind of activity.  Constant moving and packing and unpacking and cleaning, etc, so we were all exhausted to begin with.  We got there late one night, took care of business the next day, and drove back.  Now, that's a 6 hour ride each way!  Even if it's for the ocean, it makes for a long car ride. 

About an hour into our drive, Hubby asked me if I packed my pillows when we left the hotel.  I normally bring my own pillows because hotel pillows are never right.  

Already tired from the trials of the last six months, I broke down crying.  Nope.  I had left my pillows in St. Augustine.  We were already an hour out, and we were not scheduled to get home until almost ten that night.  He had work, I had work...  We decided not to go back.  I still miss those pillows (and my good flannel pillow cases).

Let me tell you, I have learned so much during this year, though.  As a person, I have learned what I'm capable of accomplishing.  As a Realtor, I've learned about the more personal side of real estate, and I know these experiences will help us in the future.  

I also know that God has a plan.  I may have been frustrated and feeling down, but I know that God has it all under control.  What he has planned, I haven't a clue, but I can't wait to find out!

See ya!


The Most Fragrant Flower

Hello, friends. 

This post is simply to ask, can anyone name this flower?  It has the most delightful scent, and I must have one for myself!

See ya!

~Amanda ~

A Little Bit More...

Ginkgo Biloba is going to become my best friend, if it can deliver on its promises.  According to an article on Web MD, Ginkgo can be attributed to increasing bloodflow to the brain, possibly increasing memory, among other interesting {possible} benefits. 

I am terribly forgetful!   I mean, I forget my age!  

I compensate for my forgetfulness by leaving notes and reminders everywhere.  I'll leave lists on my desk and alerts on my phone.  Hubby has to call and remind me every so often, also. 

Frustrating!! {For all involved}

Here's the newest way I've come up with to remind myself of upcoming events:

Hanging right by the door so I pass it every day...  Until I quit looking at it, then I have to come up with something else :)

And, that's another Little Bit of how I keep my sanity (hahahahahahaha).

See ya!


Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Origin of 'Little Beach Bird'

Have you ever looked at a name on Instagram or Twitter (or any of those other social networking type sites about which I am completely clueless), and wondered about the story behind the name?  Some can be easy to figure out.  Others need some explaining.

I realized that my name may be a little confusing,  seeing as I live nowhere near the beach (a lot of people don't know where I live, so this is probably just a lot of chatter).  I am completely landlocked (and hate it)!  The closest thing to a body of water I get to see is the bathtub. 

So, just in case you were wondering, here's the not-so-story about my name.

It's my home, the beach.  I wasn't born near the ocean, nor have I ever lived in a seaside town, but I feel the pull of the tide, I hear the gulls calling me.

One day my husband and I were driving through our very landlocked town, and I saw a bird on a lawn.  I made the comment about the little bird not belonging in this area, that it was a little beach bird.  That's it.  It seemed to fit.  It had a ring to it that was just right. 

It doesn't sound like a reason to write up a blog post, especially since there isn't really a huge, long story behind it, but...

That's why I am Little Beach Bird.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A Little Bit...

I always welcome ways to make every day life a little easier.  School-time is a particularly stressful time for me, at least in the mornings.  Most mornings I don't even get to brush my hair and teeth.  I'll throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt or my workout clothes just to get the kids to school.

I realized over the weekend that I lose a ton of time packing lunches in the mornings.  My solution seems very obvious.  I'm going to assume that most people would have thought of this sooner, but I felt like I had discovered the secrets of the universe when it dawned on me.

Why not pack lunches on Sunday?  My kids don't take a regular lunch box to school, so I buy brown bags in bulk.  I put a name on the front, throw the chips, gummies, and whatever they are taking for snack into the bag.  I store the bags in an unused cabinet until the morning they are needed. 

It seems very simple:  pack the lunches before-hand, add a sandwich that morning, and voila.  It also seems like it wouldn't save too much time, but it shaves off about 5-10 minutes of lunch packing, which can make all the difference if I oversleep (been happening more this week), or if I'm just moving kind of slow.  Perhaps it's all in my head, but it gives me a sense of having my crap together.  I feel like I'm starting out a step ahead, having most of it done ahead of time. 

How do you cut down on stresses in the mornings before school/work?  I'd love to hear more suggestions!


{I'm thinking of doing a little section called "Little Bits" where I just add little blurbs about my time-saving ideas, or even just a little "Hi".  Not an all out post, but a quick stop-in.  What do you think?  I'm trying to get to a point where I'm posting at least once a week.  I have big plans, lets just hope I have the umph to follow through!!}

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Find A Little Peace

I can remember the first camera that I ever owned.  My Oma gave it to me for a field trip.  It was pink.  I wish I could say that I still have it.  It would contrast with the other cameras of my collection, but it would hold the place of honor amongst them.

That was just the beginning of my obsession.  I have found my happy place in photography.  Behind the camera I find peace.  I can lose myself in the sunset, leaves, grass, rain, ocean, whatever you can imagine.  I don't think about the stresses of moving, of trying to have a real estate career.  I don't worry about anything, I focus on the beauty that God has created.

With the move coming up, trying to sell a house as well as buy a house at the same time, I have become so stressed that I can barely stand to be in my own skin.  I want to scream!  I want to run (no, literally, I want to run.  I want to lace up my running shoes and hit the road for an hour), but I can't because I have so much going on that I haven't been able to practice yoga or go no a run in over a month!

Photography, though, I can do any time.  I don't have to worry about getting sweaty before going somewhere, I don't have to have anything except my phone (yes, I'm a phone photographer).  I can snap a photo of the sunset off of my back deck, or I can click out a couple of the roses that grow in front of the house.

I believe that God knew that I would be high-strung, in need of relaxation, and that's why I was introduced to photography.  It is where I can forget the rest of the world and focus on the beauty that He has created.  I can find peace, I can have a moment where I don't worry.  

Where do you find peace?  Where have you been led where you can rest in God?

See ya!

Friday, August 1, 2014

The School Bell's A-Ringin'

Graphics courtesy of A Beautiful Mess Photo App

Call me weird, but I love the first day of school.  I'm not saying this as a mom who has kids in school and can take time off for myself when they start back (does any mom actually do that?).  I have always loved the first day of school.  I enjoy organizing and "setting up".

{Disclaimer:  I can't stay organized for more than a day or two at a time, but I am really good at organizing for that day or two, but that may be a post for another day}

Back to school is coming in just a couple of weeks, maybe it's already started for your family, or, maybe it won't start until after Labor Day (lucky).  Due to some new blessings in our lives (another long blog post for later), I am learning to stick to a budget, especially for back-to-school shopping, which is an area where I can go completely overboard.

My ideas haven't been put into practice just yet, as I am wracking my brain, trying to come up with ways to save even more money, but I'm going to give you a small list of some of my ideas.

Reuse:  My kids came home from school last year with a couple of little things that are still in great shape.  I have a pencil box, two pencil pouches, headphones, and two pair of scissors that they can use again this year.  I'm even going to reuse their lunch boxes.  There is a piece coming off of Youngest's lunchbox, but all it needs is a little glue.  These things are still in great shape (I even put the scissors in the dishwasher to clean them up a bit), so there's no reason to spend the money on brand new items.

Tax Free:  Today starts our tax free holiday, here in Georgia, and I plan on taking advantage of it.  I am going to see about getting some of the boys' clothes and shoes.  The holiday includes clothes, shoes, school supplies, some electronics (I'm not sure that an iPod would be on the list, but maybe some of the super expensive calculators).   It does make a difference, especially when you get all the items at the same time!

Shop the Ads:  Pretty self-explanitory, huh?  I cut coupons and check the grocery store ads, anyway, but it it especially important when school comes around, because there is such a big list to purchase all at once.  

Buy A Little At A Time:  Again, self-explanitory.  If you know that your child is in the grades that use a certain type of paper, or maybe a box of pencils, then just stop by the supply isle while you are out doing your weekly shopping.  This may not save you much in the way of money, but it will save your sanity, so you don't have to wrestle through the throng of parents shopping at the last minute for their kids' school stuff.

Another thing that I have thought about, and teachers, please let me know if you don't agree, the odd items that are requested: ie. paper towels, Ziplock baggies, tissues, hand sanitizer...  Those items, I would like to send in on an as-needed basis.  I have been involved in the school since Oldest was in Kindergarten, and I have sent in these items during orientation, to find that everyone else has as well.  That is an awesome sight, seeing all of the support that the parents are giving, just by sending in all of the items on the list.  My thought and experience as a room parent, though, is that the items are received on the first day of school, but they run out by winter break.  Why not check with the teacher to see if they are in need, and send in when they run low?  Granted, I know that if everyone did this, no one would bring in something on the first day, so I'm not saying that it's a grand idea for everyone to do, but maybe if you are running on a tight budget, you could work out something with the teacher. They will appreciate the donations of items during the year, as well.  

These are just some of the ideas that I've come up with (and they are not orginal ideas, by any means), and I plan on putting in place this year.

What do you do to relieve the stress/financial burden of the beginning of the school year?  I'd love some more ideas and input!

See ya!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Life In Real Time

If you follow me on IG, then you know that God is really blessing my family, and answering long awaited prayers.  We are moving.  Yay!!

Yesterday, something happened to try to derail months of planning and hope and happiness.   We got a call that the closing is going to have to be extended.

That's normally not really a problem,  but with our situation, this is more than an inconvenience.   This could mean that all of our plans are trashed.  Our dreams might not come true.  Notice I said our plans and our dreams.  They are man-made plans, maybe {probably} not God-made plans.

I admit.  I had a very weak moment, where I dug in my heels and fussed and cussed (yes, I cuss... often).  Eventually, though, I tried to see the situation in the best light.  There has to be a reason for this, right?  I tried to keep God in my thoughts, and not the little devil on my shoulder whispering that it was all going down the drain. 

Throughout all of the upset, God has been throwing little things into my path, to let me know that He's still here for us:

Yesterday's verse of the day from my Bible app:  Psalm 139:23-24 (NLT) "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life."  I am an anxious control freak.  Things have to work my way, or they aren't working the right way.  Possibly, He is trying to make me relinquish the delusion that I have of being in control.

Yesterday on IG:  Psalm 36:5-6 "God's love is meteoric, His loyalty astronomic, His purpose titanic.  Yet in his largeness nothing gets lost;  Not a man, not a mouse."  (post from @littlebitfunky)  My interpretation:  He loves us, He has a plan.  He hasn't forgotten about us, hasn't let us down.  He doesn't do that.

Today's verse of the day from my Bible app:  Isaiah 41:10 (NLT) "Don't be afraid, for I am with you.  Don't be discouraged, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you.  I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."  No interpretation needed here.

As we've traveled through this adventure, I have prayed that we are on His path.  That we are going the way that He wants us to.  I believe in my heart that He is doing what is best for my family.  It has been hard the past 24 hours, wondering what is going to happen.  What are we supposed to be doing?  I have not reacted in the Christ-like way that I should have, I will admit that.  I rarely do, but that's a really long post for another day.

What am I trying to say, here?  What's my point?  I have to have faith that God will be there for my family.  My faith in God runs deep.  I know that God is with my family, and that I may never know the reasons for the things that happen, but I know that things will work out the way that He wants them to, and it will be great!

We are being told to proceed, and so we will!

See ya!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Cold Hard Truth

This is my confusing attempt
At organization.   And no, I didn't bother
To make the bed.

I'm baaack!  When I say that, I always picture Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory when he was fed some of Howard's mom's medication.  Just me?  Huh, ok, guess I'm weird like that.

So, it's been a while.  How ya doin'?  I've been so busy that I can't even remember last night!  I haven't had time to blog, but that doesn't mean that I haven't thought about it.  I have been contemplating the direction that this Little Beach Bird should take.  I've come up empty.  Had no idea, but I knew of some awesome folks who would know...  My lovely IG friends.  

A few days ago I asked where I should go with this little blog.  I want to do something with it, I don't want to let it die, I want it to flourish, so I posed the question on IG, "Do you, dear friends, have any suggestions on ways to move forward?"  

I had a couple of comments telling me just to post about life, about being a wife, mother, real estate agent, crafter, ameteur photographer (if I can use that term loosely).  I never thought about that, really.  I never really thought that anyone would want to read about my life.  Then, my next thougth was that I really don't have my crap together (forgive my language).  I'm a hot mess.  Most of the time I can't find my bra, not to mention my house keys or my phone, or my shoes.  How am I supposed to blog about life?  I wanted to wait until I had my house clean and my schedule arranged, maybe look like I had my act together.  Well, I'm not going to do that.  That would so be a lie.  Here it is, the cold hard truth:

I don't have a clue what I'm doing!  

All I know is that I have some hilariously awesome kids and a hubby that I love so much.  He keeps me sane.  I try to have a plan in life, I have dreams and goals, but they never work out quite like I envision (they work out perfectly, though).  I am very type-A, and I'm a control freak.  So, if you can handle all that, stick around, because I may have some crazy stories to tell about trying to be balanced as a wife and mom while working 18 hours a day!

I'll work on balancing, and I'll try to post some nuggets of wisdom as they come to me.  I do hope you'll come back and visit my little blog!

See ya soon!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Last minute Teacher Appreciation Gifts

Teacher Appreciation Week begins tomorrow (May 5)!  Don't forget to show that special teacher (or two) how much you appreciate them!
Our school has a pre-determined list of things to send in every day:
Monday:  School Supplies
Tuesday:  Unlimited Hugs and Smiles
Wednesday:  Something to Pop (popcorn or Blow Pops)
Thursday:  Something to Eat (fruit, treats, etc)
Friday:  Something to read (card or letter from student).
If your school doesn't do an pre-determined list, I've come up with a couple of extra ideas that don't have to cost a lot of money or time.

Gift card bouquet:  We made this one for our teacher's birthday, but it's great for any celebration.  The flowers can either be real or handmade, there doesn't have to be a lot of giftcards, one would suffice (or none, it could just be flowers).

Bags:  I was told by one of our teachers that they are the ultimate bag lady (or gentleman).  Teachers are always having to take home books and homework and such.  I love to give bags with a little something in them.  This year we have a student teacher, so I'm putting together a bag with some supplies that she's going to need next year for her own room.  I made this bag, but it can be store bought, it can be decorated by the kids, anything goes.
Summer Fun:  Just throw some summer type stuff together, a beach bag with a towel and water bottle, or something along those lines.
Spa Day:  Some lotions, body wash, face scrubbies, etc.  Just a little something to pamper themselves.
Pencil Flower Vase:  (I hope to find a pic of this soon because it's super cute) I made this last year, and she loved it.  All the kids brought in a flower, so she had a nice bouquet.  I found the tutorials on Pinterest (you can follow me there, if you'd like.  I'm Amanda Ropp <the one with the three palm trees as photo>).

There are so many ways to say Thank You to that special teacher, these were just a few of the things we've done in years past.  Imagination is the key.
I hope I've helped, if you've been stuck on ideas. 
See ya!
~Amanda ~

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Wow! What a Week!!!

I have always found myself wanting to start huge projects (365 blanket, IG challenges, Pinterest Project Sunday).  I love the idea of having something huge to work on.  I really enjoy all the things I just listed, too.

I like to have something to do, something to work toward.  Well, every time I start something big like these projects I get slammed with stuff to do that takes my attention from them!

This week it's been real estate.  Business is picking up!  I'm super excited about it.  This is what I've been praying for, what I wanted!

Please just bear with me while I try to figure out the delicate balance between family life and business life.  This week I have been swamped and I'm running on empty.  I really, really want to do a Pinterest Project Sunday, or just to catch up on my challenges, but I don't know if that's going to happen.

Let me just say, God is definitely answering my prayers.  He is hearing my cries (sometimes literally), and he is providing.  I am so thankful to have the ability to work toward our goals, and to be able to be there for my family whenever they need me, while working toward those goals.

I just hope that you will stay with me along the way.  Hopefully I can get back on track this week.  I love posting and I love you guys!  Thank you for reading my little blog!

{Follow me on IG (if you don't already), and I'll let you know when another post is up!}

See ya!
~Amanda ~

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Pinterest Project Sunday - Canceled This Week

random picture of my granny square blanket

Wow!  The weekend is already over!  It has flown by!

I'm sorry to say that Pinterest Project Sunday had to be canceled for this week.   I feel horribly guilty about it.  I truly enjoy doing these little crafts each week, and I don't want to make this a habit.

I'm still trying to get back into a routine.  My routine was messed up when the boys got out of school for Winter break.  I mean, it's March, for goodness sake.  I shouldn't have such a hard time getting back to normal!

Not to mention sickness! Oh my goodness, there's not been a week in February that we've all been well at the same time!

I'm definitely not complaining.  I'm happy to have been busy.  I'm glad that my little ones are finally feeling better.  I'm also ecstatic that we had a beautiful day today.  Hopefully we won't get any more really cold weather, and we can get outside more and we can all stay well!

Well, I'm going to collapse now, I'm exhausted.

Come back next week, I'll have a new project for ya!

See ya
~Amanda ~

Monday, February 24, 2014

Pinterest Project Sunday - Sharpie Mugs

Oh my goodness! I can't believe I didn't get this post up yesterday!  My weekends have gotten super busy!

Well, then I guess today is  Pinterest Project Monday.   

I've seen these mugs all over Pinterest for quite while, so I thought I'd give them a try.  You can find the tutorial here.

If You have 30 or so minutes and some Sharpies and mugs, you are good to go.  I'm not very artistic, so I just wrote a little something.  

I'm going to try more of them after I learn calligraphy.  I love cute personalized mugs! 

They even held up in the dishwasher.  I'm not sure how many washes they can handle, so I'm going to look for some more permanent methods.  I'll let you know when I find something.

They will make great gifts! Everyone can use a mug (even if they don't drink coffee).  I'm thinking Mother's Day gifts! 

Have any of you tried these? I'd love to hear about it or some some pictures of your creations!

See ya next week!

~Amanda ~

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Pinterest Project Sunday - Braided Fabric Bracelets

Hello!  So, I'm seriously excited about this week's Pinterest Project Sunday.  I found these little braided fabric bracelets at Home Heart Craft.

Again, I had all the supplies already (I'm seeing a theme...).  I went on a little buying frenzy when Marine Parents sold some of her scraps.  You don't even need to have fabric.  For these, you can use ribbon, scraps, whatever.

I even added a little charm to personalize them.  Hubby said they look very Punky Brewster.  I'll take it.  :)

See ya next week!


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Pinterest Project Sunday - Painted Bottles

Hi there! I hope everyone had had a great week. Mine has been spent with a sick child, but overall, not too bad.  I'm glad I got this project done last weekend so it could be ready for today, or there wouldn't be a Pinterest Project Sunday!

This one was super easy (again), and I had all the items at home already. Bonus!

I found a tutorial for it here.  It's not in English, but I think there is a translate button (I found it once, but then when I went back to the website it wasn't there. Probably something I did.)

Even if you can't get it to translate, there is a picture tutorial that is very easy to understand.

Here is my finished product:

I wanted to get a better picture, but I had to wait till nightfall because the pictures kept coming out too dark. 

These bottles used to be Yoohoo bottles, and the one in the center is a mason jar.  I used some Crayola paint and just poured enough in to coat the jars. 

Because I used Crayola, the paint isn't water proof, so they can't be used as vases, but if you use something oil based (I guess) then it should have no problem. 

I hope you liked my project.   Check back next week for a new one... If I can get Pinterest to work right.  Someone hacked my account!  It doesn't look like any of my pins have been messed with, but they changed my website and the city.  Apparently for little while I pretend lived in Paris.

I think I've gotten everything back on track, so I'll get to work tomorrow on another project.

If you guys have any suggestions for a project, please let me know! It doesn't have to come directly from Pinterest, it can be from Tip Junkie or Indulgy (both of which I can get lost in), or any other site. 

I love to hear some suggestions! You can comment here or on Instagram or Twitter (@littlebeachbird for both).

See ya next week!

~Amanda ~

Friday, February 7, 2014

365 Blanket Check-In

Hello, all.  I know I promised an update on the 365 Blanket on Wednesday, but a sick child kind of put that to a halt.  Today is the first day that I've been able to get pictures of it.

I haven't put it together yet, though.   I'm so bad about that.  I think joining us the worst part of crocheting.

I still love the idea of making one square every day.  I'm especially happy that this week be such a big blanket. I'll be able to double it up and use it to sleep, and I won't even have to share with the hubby, he can have our other blanket.

Granted, I have to wait an entire year before I can use it, but what can ya do?

Well, I'm exhausted, so I'm off to bed for some much needed sleep.  I'll see you guys on Sunday for "Pinterest Project Sunday"!


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Pinterest Project Sunday - DIY Lip Scrub

For my first Pinterest Project Sunday I decided to go small.  Well, it wasn't that I decided as much as I was kind of forced.  I had a great project all lined up, but I didn't get to explore it in depth, so I didn't want to post something that I've done half way.  I'm more of an all or nothing type of person.

This, though, is awesome.  It's a DIY Lip Scrub found at Kouture Kiss.  

This winter has been harsh, and I'm subject to dry lips and skin, even during the summer, so I figured it was time to give this pin a whirl (I'm not going to post the how-to, I don't want to take credit for the stuff that someone else does, so you'll have to check out the website above for the deets).

Let me tell you, It may look like some funky goop, but this stuff is awesome!  I had all the ingredients on hand, so that made it even better.  The picture below isn't very glamorous, but it's what the goop looks like.

I slapped this stuff on my lips, followed the directions on the website, and LOVED it!!  My lips were so smooth!  They were so smooth that I decided to try it on my hands, too.  My hands hurt, they get so chapped.  I work with paper a lot, and I wash dishes and my hands constantly, so I desperately needed something to help.

The result:  Smooth hands and lips!  I think this is something that can be done every night when I shower, then add lotion and Chapstick to keep the moisture.  Oooh, maybe try it on my feet for the summer!  Yeah!

Well, I am going to explore some other pins to try out for next week, so I'll see you guys later!  I hope you enjoyed this post.  I know it wasn't a huge project (some of them won't be, being a working mom can really leave little time for crafts), but I'll try to get some done that are more in-depth.

Check back with me on Wednesday, I'll have a post on the 365 TCL Crochet-A-Long Blanket!

See ya!


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Pinterest Strikes Again

I, like so many others, love Pinterest.  Some days I will sit for hours and just look at pins.  Those are the days that I just don't feel like doing much.

I was thinking today.  I have well over 3,000 pins.  What do I do with these pins?  I hoard them.  I put them on their little board and just let them sit.  I don't really do anything with them.

I'm thinking of doing a weekly project pulled from Pinterest.  Not really a new idea, I know.  There are tons of blogs that are solely for this purpose.  I am not trying to rip them off, though.  It's just a way for me to actually put some of the pins to use, to not feel like I'm completely wasting my time being on Pinterest (let's face it, that's exactly what I'm doing, but I can at least make myself feel a little better about it, right?).

So, what I'm going to do is this.  I am going to peruse my pins and find one project each week.  I will post the details and results of the project on Sundays.  Sound like a plan?  Great.

Now, I'm off to scour Pinterest for a project.  Wish me luck!  I'll see you on February 2nd with my first Pinterest Project!


Saturday, January 25, 2014


For a long time I have not been satisfied with my blog name, my IG name, or my Twitter name.  I don't care that people know who I am when I use my real name, it's just that I like the idea of a cute little username.

Well driving down the road today, I saw a little bird standing in a front yard.  The little guy looked so very out of place.  He (or she, to be fair) looked more like one of the little birds you see running along the shoreline in the sunshine.

I made a comment about the fella looking like a "little beach bird", and that was it.  I was in love.  I did not grow up in a beach town, quite the opposite.  I'm very land-locked, living outside of Atlanta, Georgia.  I do love the beach, however.  I feel at home at the beach and in the little beach communities.

The name seemed fitting.  I'm not sure if any readers will have a difficult time finding my blog, I hope not, but I'll try to do something about that.

I didn't change the name of my little shop, though.  That name was perfect, itself, so I didn't want to mess with that.  Here's the story (however short) behind Heart Shaped Cloud.

The picture above is the reason I named my store Heart Shaped Cloud.  This little cloud was smiling down on my as I walked through the streets of my favorite beach town.  It called to me, begged me to do something with it.  

That's it.  That's the story.  Nothing too profound.  Just a little cloud that I fell in love with (hang out with me long enough and you will find that I am an extreme person.  I either love it or hate it.  No in between, so if I say I love it, I do).

So, there it is.  There is my little story.  I am very happy with the changes I made.  They feel more true.  I feel more at home with my blog now.  Let's see where it takes me.


P.S.  Please do not use my pictures without my permission.  Normally I do not mind, but these pictures are special to me.  Seems silly, but I don't want that to be spoiled.  Thank you!

Friday, January 24, 2014


Good evening!  I am so excited to announce that I am having my very first sale over at Heart Shaped Cloud!

I am so tired of the cold weather (I'm sure I'm not alone in that feeling, either).  I am constantly freezing, drinking hot drinks, not wanting to set foot outside.  I'm ready for some spring.

One would think that if I'm that cold that I would want to make MORE hats and scarves and blankets, right?  Wrong.  Well, the blankets, I'll make those all the time.  I'm having a grand time with those.  The hats and scarves, though, I am ready to put away for a couple of seasons.

I know it's early in the year to be thinking of warm weather, sundresses, shorts (maybe not for me, I don't often wear shorts), short sleeve shirts, and my favorite:


The bottom line?  I can't wait for the warm weather, so I am going to "will" it to get here.  I am going to start on a Spring line.  Maybe some light weight scarves, for Easter, maybe.  Or some cute summer-y hats.  I like the hats and scarves, so I'm going to keep going with those.  I may add a couple of other little odds and ends in there, but I think that I'm pretty happy with what I have going.

So, to bring this long story to a close, I am having a sale on all the items in my shop.  Beginning today and running through January 31, enter BYEBYEWINTER at checkout to receive 20% off of your order.

There's a little "Visit My Shop" button over to the right, under my big, goofy picture.  Just click that little button and it should take you right to the shop.  Thank you, in advance, for your order!  I absolutely love making things for you guys!  You are the greatest!
