For a long time I have not been satisfied with my blog name, my IG name, or my Twitter name. I don't care that people know who I am when I use my real name, it's just that I like the idea of a cute little username.
Well driving down the road today, I saw a little bird standing in a front yard. The little guy looked so very out of place. He (or she, to be fair) looked more like one of the little birds you see running along the shoreline in the sunshine.
I made a comment about the fella looking like a "little beach bird", and that was it. I was in love. I did not grow up in a beach town, quite the opposite. I'm very land-locked, living outside of Atlanta, Georgia. I do love the beach, however. I feel at home at the beach and in the little beach communities.
The name seemed fitting. I'm not sure if any readers will have a difficult time finding my blog, I hope not, but I'll try to do something about that.
I didn't change the name of my little shop, though. That name was perfect, itself, so I didn't want to mess with that. Here's the story (however short) behind Heart Shaped Cloud.

The picture above is the reason I named my store Heart Shaped Cloud. This little cloud was smiling down on my as I walked through the streets of my favorite beach town. It called to me, begged me to do something with it.
That's it. That's the story. Nothing too profound. Just a little cloud that I fell in love with (hang out with me long enough and you will find that I am an extreme person. I either love it or hate it. No in between, so if I say I love it, I do).
So, there it is. There is my little story. I am very happy with the changes I made. They feel more true. I feel more at home with my blog now. Let's see where it takes me.
P.S. Please do not use my pictures without my permission. Normally I do not mind, but these pictures are special to me. Seems silly, but I don't want that to be spoiled. Thank you!
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