Thursday, August 7, 2014

Find A Little Peace

I can remember the first camera that I ever owned.  My Oma gave it to me for a field trip.  It was pink.  I wish I could say that I still have it.  It would contrast with the other cameras of my collection, but it would hold the place of honor amongst them.

That was just the beginning of my obsession.  I have found my happy place in photography.  Behind the camera I find peace.  I can lose myself in the sunset, leaves, grass, rain, ocean, whatever you can imagine.  I don't think about the stresses of moving, of trying to have a real estate career.  I don't worry about anything, I focus on the beauty that God has created.

With the move coming up, trying to sell a house as well as buy a house at the same time, I have become so stressed that I can barely stand to be in my own skin.  I want to scream!  I want to run (no, literally, I want to run.  I want to lace up my running shoes and hit the road for an hour), but I can't because I have so much going on that I haven't been able to practice yoga or go no a run in over a month!

Photography, though, I can do any time.  I don't have to worry about getting sweaty before going somewhere, I don't have to have anything except my phone (yes, I'm a phone photographer).  I can snap a photo of the sunset off of my back deck, or I can click out a couple of the roses that grow in front of the house.

I believe that God knew that I would be high-strung, in need of relaxation, and that's why I was introduced to photography.  It is where I can forget the rest of the world and focus on the beauty that He has created.  I can find peace, I can have a moment where I don't worry.  

Where do you find peace?  Where have you been led where you can rest in God?

See ya!

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