Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hello, Friends!

Wow!  Has it really been almost 6 months since I posted last?  I had no idea!  Things have been kind of crazy around here, and I guess I just forgot.

So, what's been going on?  I'm glad you ask.

I took up running last October (I checked my previous posts, but didn't find anything about that.  Hmmm).  I have participated in two 5k's and a virtual 10k (which due to time constraints this year and lack of training, I completed in two different sessions).

I crochet now.  That's something that I picked up after our trip to Savannah.  I decided I wanted to crochet a hat.  I still haven't gotten to that hat, but I've made a cute purse, few cell phone cases, a case for my surface, and an iPad case.  I'll try to get the link on the blog as soon as I figure out how to make a button for it.

I opened my own Etsy shop.  I'm selling some of my little crocheted goodies.  Right now it only consists of the iPad case and a cell phone case, but I'm going to expand a little. 

I've also started real estate licensing courses.  Hopefully I'll be able to finish them by the end of the month. 

That's about the gist of it.  Of course, there are other things that have happened, but I think I'll save that for another time.

It was nice talking with you again!  I promise I won't let six months go by without another post!
