Monday, November 19, 2012

Giving Thanks: Day 1

My favorite Bible verse:  Isaiah 40:31

I have seen a lot of people on Facebook and Twitter giving thanks all month long, and I love the idea, I just came in on it a bit late. Because I didn't start on it at the beginning of November, I didn't want to go through the entire month and only express thanks and appreciation on one day, between mouthfuls of turkey, so I put my own little spin on it. I'm going to make it a week long project. I'll even get my boys involved.

I should have started it on Thursday, and made Thanksgiving the last day of the week, but I'm not sure that it matters. I think that appreciation and thankfulness should be acknowledged every day, all year long.

So, what am I thankful for? My God! He has watched over me every day, and comforted me in my darkest times.  He has blessed me with a wonderful husband and two awesome kids. He has blessed us in so many ways, and I thank Him for that each and every day!
