Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Busy Little Bird

If you have two words to describe yourself, what would they be?

Would you ever guess that my words would be hot mess?  Not me, right (insert sarcastic tone).  I don't try to hide the fact that I'm imperfect...  I let it all hang out!

My little family leads a busy life.  We love to go, go, go.  Sitting still just doesn't feel relaxing to us.  If we aren't moving, we aren't happy.

My favorite way to stay organized (or my loose interpretation of organized) is my Filofax.  I don't have all the spiffy paper clips and inserts, but it works pretty well for me. 

I made little dividers out of paint samples from the hardware store, and I divided my tabs into monthly, daily/weekly, contacts, Heart Shaped Cloud orders, blog posts, groceries, and bills.

I use little paperclips to keep small things like coupons in order, but the rest is punched and inserted into the corresponding section.

One would think that, with my obsession with office supplies that I would have it all decked out, but I haven't had the time!  This simple way works best for me right now, so I'm going to go with it. 

Who knows.  Maybe I'll change it up sometime.  Oh, who am I kidding?  I'll definitely change it up, it all just depends on how long it takes before I tire of this setup!

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