I, like so many others, love Pinterest. Some days I will sit for hours and just look at pins. Those are the days that I just don't feel like doing much.
I was thinking today. I have well over 3,000 pins. What do I do with these pins? I hoard them. I put them on their little board and just let them sit. I don't really do anything with them.
I'm thinking of doing a weekly project pulled from Pinterest. Not really a new idea, I know. There are tons of blogs that are solely for this purpose. I am not trying to rip them off, though. It's just a way for me to actually put some of the pins to use, to not feel like I'm completely wasting my time being on Pinterest (let's face it, that's exactly what I'm doing, but I can at least make myself feel a little better about it, right?).
So, what I'm going to do is this. I am going to peruse my pins and find one project each week. I will post the details and results of the project on Sundays. Sound like a plan? Great.
Now, I'm off to scour Pinterest for a project. Wish me luck! I'll see you on February 2nd with my first Pinterest Project!
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Saturday, January 25, 2014
For a long time I have not been satisfied with my blog name, my IG name, or my Twitter name. I don't care that people know who I am when I use my real name, it's just that I like the idea of a cute little username.
Well driving down the road today, I saw a little bird standing in a front yard. The little guy looked so very out of place. He (or she, to be fair) looked more like one of the little birds you see running along the shoreline in the sunshine.
I made a comment about the fella looking like a "little beach bird", and that was it. I was in love. I did not grow up in a beach town, quite the opposite. I'm very land-locked, living outside of Atlanta, Georgia. I do love the beach, however. I feel at home at the beach and in the little beach communities.
The name seemed fitting. I'm not sure if any readers will have a difficult time finding my blog, I hope not, but I'll try to do something about that.
I didn't change the name of my little shop, though. That name was perfect, itself, so I didn't want to mess with that. Here's the story (however short) behind Heart Shaped Cloud.

The picture above is the reason I named my store Heart Shaped Cloud. This little cloud was smiling down on my as I walked through the streets of my favorite beach town. It called to me, begged me to do something with it.
That's it. That's the story. Nothing too profound. Just a little cloud that I fell in love with (hang out with me long enough and you will find that I am an extreme person. I either love it or hate it. No in between, so if I say I love it, I do).
So, there it is. There is my little story. I am very happy with the changes I made. They feel more true. I feel more at home with my blog now. Let's see where it takes me.
P.S. Please do not use my pictures without my permission. Normally I do not mind, but these pictures are special to me. Seems silly, but I don't want that to be spoiled. Thank you!
Friday, January 24, 2014
I am so tired of the cold weather (I'm sure I'm not alone in that feeling, either). I am constantly freezing, drinking hot drinks, not wanting to set foot outside. I'm ready for some spring.
One would think that if I'm that cold that I would want to make MORE hats and scarves and blankets, right? Wrong. Well, the blankets, I'll make those all the time. I'm having a grand time with those. The hats and scarves, though, I am ready to put away for a couple of seasons.
I know it's early in the year to be thinking of warm weather, sundresses, shorts (maybe not for me, I don't often wear shorts), short sleeve shirts, and my favorite:
The bottom line? I can't wait for the warm weather, so I am going to "will" it to get here. I am going to start on a Spring line. Maybe some light weight scarves, for Easter, maybe. Or some cute summer-y hats. I like the hats and scarves, so I'm going to keep going with those. I may add a couple of other little odds and ends in there, but I think that I'm pretty happy with what I have going.
So, to bring this long story to a close, I am having a sale on all the items in my shop. Beginning today and running through January 31, enter BYEBYEWINTER at checkout to receive 20% off of your order.
There's a little "Visit My Shop" button over to the right, under my big, goofy picture. Just click that little button and it should take you right to the shop. Thank you, in advance, for your order! I absolutely love making things for you guys! You are the greatest!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
365 Blanket Check-in (Week 2)
Well, It's more like week 2 1/2, but you get the idea. I'm kickin' right along with my 365 blanket (or mood blanket, or whatever you want to call it). I'm loving this project, and I'm already thinking of next year's. Maybe I'm getting a little ahead of myself, but, hey, what can ya do when it's super cold out, and all you can do after work and after the kids go to bed is sit on the couch and crochet?
This winter has seemed cold and long. It also seems that the flu is really hitting hard. I thank God that my little family hasn't been very sick, and I pray that we stay well.
To try to entice spring into coming early, I am thinking of having an 'end of season sale' on the ready to ship items that I have listed (hats and a cowl/infinity scarf), and get something in there that will usher in the warm weather. I am already dreaming of those 90 degree days, where I can sit outside and not freeze! I am in desperate need of some warm weather and sunshine!
Well, that's all for now. I'm going to get started on the new ideas that are bouncing around inside my head. See ya soon!
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
365 Blanket Check-In
Oh my goodness! I completely forgot to write yesterday's post! I'm not sure if I was supposed to admit that, or if I should have maybe said that I only wanted to write on Wednesdays or something like that.
Nope. I'm not perfect... I can't cook, I absolutely hate cleaning, I need sticky notes to remind me of anything!
I do, however, love my family immensely and love to be crafty. That's me. Take it or leave it.
Ok. That being said, I forgot to write yesterday's post showing the progress of my 365 blanket, pictured above. Try not to be envious of my photography skills, I'm a master :)
I'm pleased with my progress on the blanket. I'm trying to make it random, but I'm fighting the urge to make the colors compliment each other. It's kind of a lesson to myself that little things don't always have to be structured. It's driving me CRAZY!!! :)
I did manage to incorporate a little pattern, though. I couldn't decide between the solid granny and the normal granny, so I used them both.
Well, I'll check in with you next week! Please let me know how you're doing on your blanket, is love to see pics of your creativity!
~Amanda ~
P.S. I'm going to work on my photography. I promise.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow. ..
![]() |
Thank you, A Beautiful Mess, for the awesome app! |
What does that have to do with grocery shopping? Good question.
Well, I live in the South, and we are notorious for freaking out if there is even a hint of the dreaded "s" word. People run out and clear of the grocery shelves of all bread and milk (and even beer)!
Now, I need to get bread and milk, not because the chance of a little slushy mess, but because we are dangerously low. We can't run out of either in this house, or there will be a riot. Also, we're out of potatoes (my absolute favorite), and I just don't know what to do with myself!
So I shall brave to panicked mobs and try to scrounge whatever is left over!
Well, here goes nothin'. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
365 Blanket - Day 1
Yay! I have started my first afghan, and it happens to be my first crochet-a-long!
I started out wanting to make a solid granny square, but I could not get them to look right, no matter how hard I tried (if anyone knows of an easy pattern, please let me know).
I eventually found a pattern here that I love (for the square that I made above). Maybe I'll still try to make some solid ones and incorporate them into the blanket. Well see what happens.
I have no rules for this blanket. It's just going to be whatever color I'm drawn to that day. It's a little out of my comfort zone, as I'm very much a planner. I mean, I have a planner for work and a planner for home and I also have to have everything synced on my phone!
Sorry, off topic...
I have tons of new yarn to choose from, though. My SIL gave me a huge supply for Christmas! I think my favorite color is the one I used today. It's Boysenberry by Red Heart With Love. The one I'm doing tomorrow is going to be in Daffodil in the same type of yarn.
I'm interested to see what you've come up with. Link to my blog or Instagram or Twitter using #TCLcrochetalong.
I'll post more of my progress on the blog in a few days, but I'll post to IG and Twitter daily.
Thanks for following along on my little adventure!
~Amanda ~
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