
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Yarn Spinning: UGH!!

I made the niddy noddy
all by myself!  I also have a
"mini noddy"

A year ago (maybe more), I purchased a drop spindle set.  I had big intentions of learning to spin my own yarn.  {I am constantly in pursuit of more to learn}

I learned to keep my
hair in a pony-tail
while spinning.  :/

Fast forward to the end of January.  I pulled the spindles out, unwound the roving, and turned on YouTube (gotta love all the educational videos).
Verdict?  Yarn spinning sucks.  Please don't get me wrong.  I am not criticizing anyone who spins, on the contrary, I admire them!  Oh, how I wish I could spin such deliciously beautiful yarn, such thin, glorious yarn.

That's why, even though I am terrible at it, I am not giving up.  I don't know exactly what to call it, OCD, determination?   Whatever it is, I have to complete something.  I have to master it.

This is some of the batt I spun up.
I have big plans for it.  Let's hope
it turns out!

I have scoured the internet to figure out what I'm doing wrong.  I have found that one of the batts I worked with was more for art yarn, so my results were right on with the ones I found online.  One of my IG friends, @flowerchildfibers, has been so great to give me some tips and encouragement, also.  That has helped so much!

I'm going to keep trying, and I'll report back soon!!


Rarely will I go back and rewrite a post when my opinion or results on a subject change.  This blog is more in real time... So, here's an update on the spinning (updated before it was even published, hih.  Maybe a new record).

I saved a bunch of the batt and roving that I accidentally pulled off when I was learning to spin.  While I was waiting on my new fibers to arrive, I picked up the spindle and bit of fluff and made up some more yarn.

It made for extra practice, spinning two different fibers together, and adding extra fiber (which was a problem I ran into with the first couple of go's).

The new verdict?  Approved.  I had a great time spinning and coming up with new looks for the fiber.  I wasn't as stressed about messing up the beautiful batt that I started with the other day, because it was only pieces, and I was not as rushed to get a result.  I have to learn to ply, but that's a post for another day.

I think this activity is a keeper!  

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