
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Lady Grumps-A-Lot

I have days where I feel like I could crawl out of my skin.  I'm antsy, grumpy, easily irritated.  Normally on those types of days, I will eat massive amounts of chocolate or fast food.
Ever have those kinds of days? 
What do you do to get over those days?  I mean, I know they'll go away, eventually, but what kind of stress relievers work for you?
Since I like to make lists, I thought I'd make a small list of the things I do to relieve stress. 
1.  Pray.  I have a devotional that I adore, so I will break out that, my bible, and a couple of devotional apps that I have, to see what God is telling me.
2.  Run.  Yep.  Running does wonders for me.  I can put in my headphones, step away from the problem, and turn off my thoughts.  Awesome!
3.  Yoga.  Another great stress reliever.  I also feel better physically after about 15-30 minutes.  I focus on what my body is doing more than the issue at hand.
4.  Journaling.  This one isn't done as often as the others, but it can work.  It helps to focus my mind on what's bothering me, in order to find a solution.
5.  Nap.  A nap every now and then is so good!  I used to be a serious nap-taker, but I have gotten out of that routine, and now I only take one occasionally.  Most of the time it's on the weekend.
How do you relax?  I'd love to hear your methods!

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