Here's a random photo of our Autumn fireplace. It will be changed to a Christmas fireplace soon! |
So, I am officially a genious (please read that statement with a hint of sarcasm). I cancelled cable. Honestly, we don't need it, we don't watch it. We figured we could save a little money, so I called and had it cancelled... Right before the long Thanksgiving holiday!
I'm trying to convince the boys that this is a great plan. They aren't extremely happy with it, but already I've heard them playing with their toys, building things with their legos, and generally being kids. That is a welcome change from sitting slack-jawed in front of the television watching ridiculous shows! I want them to use their imagination and play!
I have a plan to keep them (and myself) busy this next week, so I'll put together a post on some of the activities that I've come up with. Let's hope they are a hit!
So, grab a bag of popcorn, sit back, and watch this mom lose her mind this week!
See ya!
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