
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Let. It. Go. Online Bible Study

Hello, my name is Amanda, and I'm a control freak.

I try to control every aspect of my life, to no avail. I realize that I don't actually have control, and I also realize that I don't need to control everything. I try, nonetheless.

This isn't news to me. I've known that I'm a control freak. I try to micro-manage everything! Let. It. Go., written by Karen Ehman, has put it in perspective for me, though.

I hope that by the end of this study, I will be able to step back and let God take control in my life. I already feel him working in my life, it just took this study to make me realize it...

In the past few weeks, things have happened that are beyond my control, that I thought were bad, bad, bad (shin splints, my refrigerator breaking, an illness that has sidelined my volunteer work at the school, among other things). Maybe those things haven't been bad, necessarily. Maybe those things have happened to let me know that I'm NOT in control, that God wants me to back off a little and let him handle it.

I'm ready to let go and give God back His job!



  1. Amanda, I too have suffered some set backs. I believe you are right on when you said so we know we are not in control! I have to lean on God to get me through this and receive it as Him loving me enough to show me this! Great post

    Melissa S OBS Leader group 33

  2. Hey Amanda, life sometimes just throws challenges at us. I think God uses those circumstances to remind us of what is important and to trust Him in all things. This Bible study is so good and I think it is one we can all use! Thanks for sharing!

    -Sue (OBS Leader)

  3. Amanda-
    Thank you SO MUCH for participating in the blog hop. Praying for all of us as we learn to stop trying to control and start trusting God. Have a great weekend and remember to LET. IT. GO. :-)
    {Hugs} Karen Ehman
