Do you ever just have one of those days where you want to pull a full on ostrich and stick your head in the sand and never bring it back out? Where you just can't take it anymore, and you're stressed and want to scream and cry and have a meltdown? I see you nodding your head! I'm so glad I'm not alone! Welcome to the Ostrich Club!
I had a day like that not long ago. Actually, in the past six months I've had a lot of days like that. Something about trying to buy a house (looooong story. I'll fill you in later on all the deets.), while living in a house that I am allergic to (no kidding, I have had the worst allergies since we moved in here, and I have no idea what could be causing it!), and trying to keep some order in our chaotic lives...
Sorry. I think I got a little out of control there.
Where was I? Oh, yes. I've had several Ostrich Days. That's when I figured out that I need to stop and take time for myself. It's not selfish, it's necessary.
How helpful am I going to be during homework if I'm a weepy mess on the floor? Is dinner going to be cooked correctly if I'm jumping up and down and turning red in the face (to be honest, I often wonder if dinner will be cooked correctly because I'm a horrible cook)? Probably not. All I'll manage to do is upset everyone else.
I know that everyone else in the world has those days. No one is immune to a day that feels so overwhelming that they just want to quit their job and run away!
So, what should one do when having an Ostrich Day? Take a break. Bury your head in the proverbial sand. Take a nap, if necessary, or a long bath. It doesn't have to be an all day break. Even an hour or two of Pinterest and hot tea (or coffee, or whatever). Maybe Journaling is your thing, or running (my personal favorite).
Whatever makes you feel better, more like a human. Yes, the worries and irritations will still be there when you're done in the sand, but they may be easier to handle. A clear head and a refreshed body will make it seem a little less daunting.
I hope you all have a wonderful day! (And, if today is your Ostrich Day, it will get better!)
See ya!