Sunday, February 24, 2013

Domestic Diva and Hampering Home Have Teamed UP!

I missed out on the last blog hop. I honestly can't tell you what happened, I was just not on the ball this week, and not just in regards to the Let. It. Go. OBS, either. I haven't been able to get my kitchen cleaned up, my poor kids almost didn't have anything to wear to school because I forgot until 11:00 in the evening to wash their clothes. My laundry (as well as my husband's) had gone unwashed, as well.

I don't remember taking the week off, it still seems like I did something, but I can't for the life of me remember what I did (other than complain about the untidy house, and my lack of time to clean it).

My awesome husband saw that I was struggling, and he took matters into his own hands. While I was volunteering at my son's school one morning last week, my hubby cleaned the entire house. Now, what I want to know is, as a mom who stays at home constantly, how it takes me FOREVER to get the house cleaned, but it only took my husband a few hours. Hmmm.

This situation seemed to fit perfectly with chapters 5 & 6 of Let. It. Go. this week. I am weird when it comes to cleaning. I hate to do it (and, therefore don't do it often enough), but everything has to be done MY WAY. I won't let my husband do the dishes because he doesn't stack the dishwasher the way I do, my kids REFUSE to clean the toys off of their dressers, which makes their room look untidy, even if the rest of it is immaculate (don't look at my dresser, though. I'm more of a "do as I say, not as I do" person.

Well, I realized Friday, when I came home to a clean and vacuumed house, that maybe there is more than one way to clean a house. I just appreciated what my husband did. He alleviated so much stress!

Between my husband's actions and chapters 5 & 6, I realize:
a) I can stop putting all the stress on myself to be the perfect home maker, that I can deligate some of the work out to those who help make the mess.
b) There is more than one way to clean a house. Just because I do it one way, doesn't mean that it isn't right if done another way.
c) Be grateful for the help, don't criticize if it's not done exactly the way I would have done it.

I'm not sure under which topic this post would have fallen last week, but I think I may have combined two (which seem to go hand in hand): Domestic Diva and Hampering Home. These are two areas in which I definitely need to improve! Essentially, I have to get over myself!


Thursday, February 14, 2013


It's week two of the Let. It. Go. OBS, and I am loving every minute of it!

Recently, my husband and I have been working on a life change. A good one, but difficult at the same time. Everywhere we turned, for the past couple of months, nothing has worked out for us in this particular area. God seems to have closed all the doors in front of us.

Or, my way of looking at it, we just haven't gotten to the open door yet. I believe that in not allowing us to go forward with OUR plan, God is showing us that he has something better in store. It has become evident to me in the last few weeks that He is in charge, and I need to step back.  With him, we will prevail.

I can't say what is in store for us (He hasn't told me yet, although a hint would be pretty cool), but I am excited to find out.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Let. It. Go. Online Bible Study

Hello, my name is Amanda, and I'm a control freak.

I try to control every aspect of my life, to no avail. I realize that I don't actually have control, and I also realize that I don't need to control everything. I try, nonetheless.

This isn't news to me. I've known that I'm a control freak. I try to micro-manage everything! Let. It. Go., written by Karen Ehman, has put it in perspective for me, though.

I hope that by the end of this study, I will be able to step back and let God take control in my life. I already feel him working in my life, it just took this study to make me realize it...

In the past few weeks, things have happened that are beyond my control, that I thought were bad, bad, bad (shin splints, my refrigerator breaking, an illness that has sidelined my volunteer work at the school, among other things). Maybe those things haven't been bad, necessarily. Maybe those things have happened to let me know that I'm NOT in control, that God wants me to back off a little and let him handle it.

I'm ready to let go and give God back His job!
