
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Can't Live Without: Apps!

With the invention of the smartphone and tablets, apps are an every day occurance.  I use my phone for everything!  There is constantly a beep or a whistle coming from my back pocket (yes, I keep my phone in my pocket.  I have a huge phone, so I don't have a case, or it would look like a telephone book (remember those?  I haven't seen a telephone book in years!).

Just for fun, I figured I would compile a list of my favorite apps, those glorious applications that keep me going and keep my phone blip ping and bleeping at all hours.

1.  Bible
It's one of those apps that stays silent, but it's always there.  I get the verse of the day each morning, and use that in my devotional to contemplate my day and how best to use it to God's glory.

2.  Instagram 
I mean, duh.  You all knew that, right?  No explanation needed.

3.  Weather Radio
I am very weird about weather.  I once wanted to be a storm chaser  (I would still love it), but with the introduction of my children into my life I have become more vigilant in safety.  This app let's out a big buzz if something's going on,so we have plenty of time to take cover or make the necessary arrangements.  

4.  A Beautiful Mess
Honestly, I just love anything from Elsie and Emma.  They are so talented, and their style is just perfect!  This app is my photo editing go-to for my watermark and different layouts.

5.  Duolingo 
This cute little app teaches different languages.  I'm currently trying to learn french.  I can take it anywhere with me and even study in the car waiting for the boys to get out of school!  

What are some of your favorite?  I'm always looking for new apps to try out.

{This is not a paid post.  All of the opinions addressed in this post are mine.  I was not compensated in any way for my opinions.}

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Being Creative Can Suck

Just throwing that out there for ya - being creative can suck.  It can really be a drag when I hit a block and can't muster the energy to do anything, or can't come up with any ideas.

On a normal day I have so many creative ideas that I can barely contain them in my head {note:  I will start carrying a notebook just for creative ideas, to jot them down and make room in my brain for more}.

On Thursday of last week I hit a hard patch.  I'm struggling a little bit with a situation; it has sucked all the brain power that is normally used for creating and redirected it to the problem at hand.

Now I have no ideas, and I have no desire to craft. 
They'll come back, the ideas.  I know they will, but I have to give them time.  I think that it may be time for a little "braincation" (my brain's version of a vacation). 

Maybe a little Pinterest and a lot of IG can get the hamsters going again. 

Do you ever have a crafty "dry spell"?  A "crafter's block"?  (I'm really into the quotations today, huh?)

What do you do to overcome your crafter's block?  I need some ideas!!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Propagation Problems

Every now and then I get this wild idea that I need more green in my life.  When this idea strikes I go to the nearest plant-carrying store and buy up as many plants as I possibly can.

Right now, my obsession is succulents.  They are hardy little plants, that stand up through drought (which is a typical plant day in my house). 

Each time I buy one of these cuties, they end up dropping all their leaves and becoming a shriveled stalk (that dies pretty quickly after losing the leaves).

Fed up with buying the plants, just to have them die on me, I have started propogating them (is propogating a word?  Autocorrect didn't like it, but didn't have a better replacement).

Here are some of my "experiments":

This is one that I'm trying to get to root just from a little cutting.  I've heard that it may not be possible, but what will it hurt to try?

These little ones are waiting to sprout roots.  They should have something in the next few weeks.  [Update:  Don't put them in the sun with plastic wrap over them.  They will die.  I tried so they wouldn't blow away outside.]

I have some that have roots, but I forgot to take a picture before I put them in the dirt, so here's a pic of more little leaves.  

I am so excited to see what actually happens with these little guys.

I'll update as I get results! 

Happy propogating!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Busy Little Bird

If you have two words to describe yourself, what would they be?

Would you ever guess that my words would be hot mess?  Not me, right (insert sarcastic tone).  I don't try to hide the fact that I'm imperfect...  I let it all hang out!

My little family leads a busy life.  We love to go, go, go.  Sitting still just doesn't feel relaxing to us.  If we aren't moving, we aren't happy.

My favorite way to stay organized (or my loose interpretation of organized) is my Filofax.  I don't have all the spiffy paper clips and inserts, but it works pretty well for me. 

I made little dividers out of paint samples from the hardware store, and I divided my tabs into monthly, daily/weekly, contacts, Heart Shaped Cloud orders, blog posts, groceries, and bills.

I use little paperclips to keep small things like coupons in order, but the rest is punched and inserted into the corresponding section.

One would think that, with my obsession with office supplies that I would have it all decked out, but I haven't had the time!  This simple way works best for me right now, so I'm going to go with it. 

Who knows.  Maybe I'll change it up sometime.  Oh, who am I kidding?  I'll definitely change it up, it all just depends on how long it takes before I tire of this setup!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Happy St. Patty's Day!!

I had big plans for a St. Patrick's Day party for the boys (yeah, I'm a bit early, but most of these holidays are celebrated on the weekends because of school and work and every day life).

Don't worry, I'll make sure they wear green to school on Tuesday.

I wanted to start with some green punch and a themed snack, followed by a delicious dinner of corned beef and mashed potatoes.

Turns out that I live with a bunch of party poopers who had no interest in the dinner.  

Well, at least I could do the green punch (ginger ale and lime sherbet).  That is always a big hit with the kids (not to mention mommy). 

I also put together a little pot of gold for the boys (with a little gold left over for Daddy) by whipping together these little crochet pots and filling them with Rolos. Cute, huh?

I may not be able to go all out, but I can still have fun!

*Note*  This year, they weren't very excited about the punch, but they loved the pots!  Well, I tried.  :)

*Update*  I totally forgot to dress the boys in green!  Youngest happened to have green on his shirt.  Oldest had to go into class and ask his teacher for a little help.  Oops!  I just hope there's no pinching allowed!

I hope everyone has a Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

He's Talkin', I'm Listenin'

I love how God talks to me.  He will put a person, a verse, a thing in my path to let me know that He hears my prayers.

Lately, He has put a verse in my way, slap dab in front of my face every time I open Instagram (which is a lot.  I guess He figured it was a good way to get my attention since I'm obsessed with IG).

The verse is Proverbs 4:23-25, "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.  Avoid all perverse talk, stay away from corrupt speech.  Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you."  (NIV)

We have been in the midst of a trying year, with particular emphasis on the present.

Any time I feel the need to fuss about our situation, God throws this verse at me.  Or maybe He hands it to me gently, whispering that I am to stay the course. 

Either way God talks to me, sometimes in the most obvious ways.  He has a way of drawing me closer to Him and feeling more at peace with my circumstances.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Pinterest Project Sunday: The End

Blogging isn't easy.  I'm just going to lay it all out there.  I'm trying to find myself in the blogging and craft world(s), and I'm doing a lot of soul searching.

I know that I enjoy crafting, and I L♥VE Pinterest, and I want to share bits of my life (not everything, as I'm very protective of the Littles and Hubby), but I feel that I'm struggling with how it all works.

I think that the time for Pinterest Project Sunday must come to an end.  While I enjoy the crafty side, I have struggled to find a project to fit into my budget or time constraints.

I will still post weekly (as a matter of fact, I'm trying to get in the habit of posting on Wednesday as well as Sunday), so please stick with me as a find myself.

There will continue to be crafts, and I am particularly excited about a certain series that I'm going to start in the next few months, so please come back and see me on Sundays and Wednesdays!  Thank you for sticking by me!!!

See ya!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Color, Color Everywhere!!

Images courtesy of Pinterest

Last month I was commissioned to crochet a baby blanket for a friend's friend's baby shower, and I was given free reign on the design, but she requested a certain color scheme.  I was at a complete loss!  I had no idea how these colors would work together, so I booted up my trusty iPad and started searching Pinterest.

What I found was a plethora of color swatches (is that what they're called?)!!  It was magnificent!!  All kinds of color combinations, so very visually stimulating!

Now I can't quit!  Pinterest has this new feature that shows recommended pins based on my recent pins, and oh, the pretty colors!

Not only did these little swatches inspire me on the blanket, but I hoard them on Pinterest in case I need more inspiration.  It's probably a blessing, though, that I don't know how to make my own!  Hubby would never get me off the computer!